Congratulations to Donald Trump & Mike Pence!

November 12, 2016 ā€“ Congratulations to President Elect Donald J. Trump and Vice-President Elect Mike Pence. We at the Chaos blog are extremely happy that President Elect Trump won! There is a God in Heaven. The good guys won and the evil devils duo was defeated and will be disgraced and jailed.

My top agenda item, and the Trump team asked me what it was, is immigration. Deport 11 million illegals as soon as possible. Unit with Russia against China. Drop out of the UN, G20, WTO and a lot of others. Scrap Common Core and the EPA. Gut affirmative action. At last someone is in Washington that will do something.

*** Drain the Swamp

*** Build that Wall and Mexico Pays

*** Lock Her Up

William G. Foster

Aka the Master of Disaster

About wfoster2011

Disaster researcher and current financial and economic news and events: Accidents, economics, financial, news, nature, volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, fires; airplane, ship & train wrecks; tornadoes, mine cave-ins, hurricanes, pestilence, blizzards, storms, tzuami's, explosions, pollution, famine; heat & cold waves; nuclear accidents, drought, stampedes and general. Futures trader using high volume and open interest futures markets. Also, a financial, weather and mundane astrologer with over 30 years of experience. Three University degrees from California State University Northridge: BS - Accounting MS - Busines Administration BA - Psychology Served in the U. S. Army as an Armored Platoon Leader in the 5th Battalion, 68th Armored Regiment, 8th Infantry Division (Retired). Have published three books and 36 articles available for sale through my blog: Commodology - Secret of Soyobeans (Financial Astrology) Timing is the Key (Financial Astrology) Scum City, a fiction novel (no longer available, under contract to major publisher) Currently resident of Las Vegas, NV, USA
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